Samsung has announced SCH-W599 the latest Dual SIM Phone to be first launched in china. The phone will be branded as "Anycall". The W599 handset features a 2 Megapixel camera, 2.4-Inch QVGA 260k touchscreen with handwriting recognition. It has a FM radio with upto 20 channels, supports bluetooth. It supports both Dual 800MHz CDMA and GSM network and has the ability to use two GSM Cards at once.
It has MP3 and streaming media playback, 72 polyphonic tones, Internal Memory is 34 MB and expandable with the support of microSD memory card. It comes with a lock button on the side of the handset to prevent accidental data input through the screen or keyboard.
The Samsung SCH-W599 will be released first in China for about 4,490 yuan [approximately $650] and in asia like other Samsung phones.