Samsung has announced the G400 the dual screen clamshell design handset today at CeBIT. The G400 has a unique premium exterior and graphical user interface design identity, boasting a high gloss metallic finish with a hairline texture. The shipment of G400 for European countries will start in June 2008. It features a 5 Megapixel camera with features like automatic face detection, image stabilization, and Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) functionality. Fast internet access is achieved through a 7.2Mbps High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) browser, and users can access video telephony under HSDPA networks using a sub camera.
The G400 handset other features include an internal 2.22” TFT LCD display as well as a 2.22” external full touch screen display. The external touch display lets users to function multimedia features without opening the folder, complete with vibration feedback that responds to touches. The G400 multimedia features include FM radio, music, a built-in camera, and photo album software all of which are accessible via the full touch external display. Users can perform normal phone centric tasks using the internal display, and when the phone is in idle status users can opt to display wallpaper or other items on the external display. Notifications for SMS/MMS as well as alarm or schedules are also viewable directly on the external display.