The upcoming model from LG Electronics "LG Vu" phone. It is a stylish touchscreen device available in two different flavors. The first one is CU920 sporting a mobile TV antenna and second one is CU915 comes without mobile TV support.
It features a 2 Megapixel Camera with an autofocus a 3-Inch WQVGA 262K Color Touchscreen. The internal memory is 120 MB and can be expandable upto 4GB with MicroSD Card Support . The dimensions are 4.25"H x 2.16"W x 0.51"D and weighs only 3.16oz. It has 1000 mAh battery, which will supply up to 3-hours of talk time. It features HSDPA connectivity, HTML Browser and USB mass storage mode.
Stay tuned for more details.